Election 2016

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I seldom get excited about a political event, an election to be exact. But there is something very interesting about the national election that will happen this year 2016. This particular election makes me do a lot of thinking. Weighing every bit of statements, platforms, campaign styles, and most especially, accomplishments. I can't remember how many times I voted. When I was younger, my choices were either based on my parents take on who to vote or what I often saw on ads and campaign jingles. It is hard to decide because I don't know the candidates much. Simply because they are just visible when election time is near. I see posters of some only before election period when a project is on going and purposely tell the public that the mentioned politician is involved with it and takes credit.

I silently watch how campaigns go along thru television, radio, newspapers and even social media. Funny and entertaining it might be to some but the drama and intense involvement of every person I know and those I don't know changed the way I see everything. Before, I only practice my right to vote by having a simple list of who I like then after getting the indelible ink on my finger and making sure that my ballot was received, I go home and just let time pass until I hear the names of the victorious candidates. No major involvement or concern. I'm uninterested because most of the time, those people I voted for local and national posts don't win. They are not popular though very qualified. Dignified yet thrown with unfair and negative publicity. The ones who victoriously get the most votes are those that distributed envelopes with a hundred, two hundred or five hundred peso bill. The first time I received such 'envelopes' was when I'm still in college. I felt very awkward and uneasy. Why do I have to get money in exchange for my vote? It really puzzled me. That first time, my family just signed a list of registered voters presented to us which looks exactly what the COMELEC has when you sign at voting precincts. On the next election period, same envelopes gone loose in our area but required people to go to the headquarters after validating that you are in the list. That second time, I refused to get the envelope and didn't bother to go to the specified place. I just don't feel it was right to be involved in such dirty tactics to get my vote. Then on the succeeding elections, my name cannot be found on their master list, same as other members of our family. Actually, I felt very relieved to be not part of their scheme. At least I can be proud of my vote to people who did and didn't win but played fair and square. I'm sad because until now, the same practice happens. Coordinators still asks about the names and numbers of voters in a household and once verified in the master list, they will soon receive the cash equivalent when you agreed to vote the particular candidate.

Today, something changed. Aside from the fact of the emergence of social media as a platform to generate votes, the atmosphere felt different. I see people now not going gaga over the envelopes release and that almost everyone is vocal of whom they are rooting for. As far as I can remember, this was not the setting a few years back. The preferred candidate is not vocally announced and the inclination of a person to a specific candidate is not very obvious. Though wearing shirts campaigning a certain candidate can be obtained because their public relations and campaign managers distribute funded paraphernalia. Now, people use their own money to produce campaign shirts, stickers, etc. Join political rallies and meetings from their own pockets. I feel that voters fight or argue with opposing friends and even family members to stress their reason for voting their preferred candidates. Disturbing it may seem but I see some light on how things are changing the attitude of everyone towards this election. I now feel a sense of patriotism besides the negative impact of idolatry. The expressed emotion roots from the longing to have a better government and improved lives. The low income and average income voters finally have something to say. Hope, Choice, Unity and Change are now a few days away.


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